Welcome to part 4 of the Sleeping Arduino Series. In this entry we will cover how to get the Arduino to wake from sleep using one of the micro-controller's internal timers. This does not require any external hardware, all is implemented in code.
Arduino Timers
So,we need to go into a little detail on the micro controller's internal timers. The Atmega168 in the Arduino Diecimila has three internal timers:
- Timer/Counter 0 - 8 bit (Max timer duration: 16.4ms)
- Timer/Counter 1 - 16 bit (Max timer duration: 4.1s)
- Timer/Counter 2 - 8 Bit (Max timer duration: 16.4ms)
Whether the timer is 8 bit or 16 bit defines how much the timer can count up to: an 8 bit timer counting to 256 and 16 bit to 65536. What drives the counter to count can be configured to be either the internal 16Mhz clock or an external clock source on T1 pin. We will be using the internal timer in this tutorial.
Once a timer's counter has reached its maximum value and increments once more, it will overflow and the counter will reset to zero. This overflow event can be configured to trigger an overflow interrupt, which we will use to wake the Arduino from sleep mode. Note you can also modify the value within a timer's counter from your code to tune the overflow period.
![]() |
Figure 1. Timer source |
The following formula shows the calculation of the timeout period.
![]() |
Figure 2. Timeout period formula |
Take the following examples:
16 bit Timer1 no prescaler (1:1)
Overflow period = 1/16Mhz x 1 x 2^16 = 4.09 milliseconds16 bit Timer1 with prescaler of 1:1024
Overflow period = 1/16Mhz x 1024 x 2^16 = 4.09 secondsSo we can see that using the maximum prescaler value of 1:1024, we can get maximum Timer1 overflow period of 4.09 seconds, this is the maximum time we can put the Arduino to sleep for using Timer1. If you want a longer sleep period than this, you can use the Watch Dog Timer, which can provide a sleep time of about 8 seconds (it can also be used in a lower power/sleep mode than Timer1, see Arduino/Atmega168 Timers For Sleeping). Using the WDT for waking from sleep is described in the 5th part of this series.
Timers and Power Modes
As I have mentioned in part 1 of this series, not all hardware peripherals of the micro-controller are available in all power modes. Looking at our table here, we can see that timer1's lowest running power mode is IDLE, so when we put the micro-controller to sleep, we need to make sure we don't enter a sleep mode below this, or the timer will be disabled.
Control Registers
The following are the timer related control registers we will use to configure Timer1
- TCCR1B - CS10, CS11 & CS12 - Timer control register B and the pre-scaler selection bits.
- TCNT1 - 16bit counter register. This is the actual register that will count up each timer tick. When the value in this register rolls over from 65536 to 0, the overflow interrupt will fire.
- TIMSK1 - TOIE1 - Interrupt mask register and overflow interrupt enable bit. This register contains the control bits to enable the various interrupts available to timer1, including TOIE1 which we will set to enable the overflow interrupt.
For more information on these registers, see section 16.11 of the datasheet here.
Our code will operate as follows:
Our code will operate as follows:
- Configure the serial port and LED pin.
- Configure Timer1's prescaler so the timer will expire every 4.09 seconds (TCCR1B).
- Clear Timer1's counter TCNT1
- Enable Timer1 overflow interrupt (TIMSK1).
- The main loop will then:
- Enter IDLE sleep mode.
- When the Timer1 overflow occurs, the interrupt will wake the processor
- The LED state will be toggled.
- Re-enter IDLE sleep mode.
In the following code the Arduino board will go to sleep (SLEEP_MODE_IDLE) for 4.09 seconds, wake up and toggle the LED and go back to sleep again.
* Sketch for testing sleep mode with wake up on timer.
* Donal Morrissey - 2011.
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/power.h>
#define LED_PIN (13)
volatile int f_timer=0;
* Name: ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect)
* Returns: Nothing.
* Parameters: None.
* Description: Timer1 Overflow interrupt.
/* set the flag. */
if(f_timer == 0)
f_timer = 1;
* Name: enterSleep
* Returns: Nothing.
* Parameters: None.
* Description: Enters the arduino into sleep mode.
void enterSleep(void)
/* Disable all of the unused peripherals. This will reduce power
* consumption further and, more importantly, some of these
* peripherals may generate interrupts that will wake our Arduino from
* sleep!
/* Now enter sleep mode. */
/* The program will continue from here after the timer timeout*/
sleep_disable(); /* First thing to do is disable sleep. */
/* Re-enable the peripherals. */
* Name: setup
* Returns: Nothing.
* Parameters: None.
* Description: Setup for the serial comms and the
* timer.
void setup()
/* Don't forget to configure the pin! */
/*** Configure the timer.***/
/* Normal timer operation.*/
TCCR1A = 0x00;
/* Clear the timer counter register.
* You can pre-load this register with a value in order to
* reduce the timeout period, say if you wanted to wake up
* ever 4.0 seconds exactly.
/* Configure the prescaler for 1:1024, giving us a
* timeout of 4.09 seconds.
TCCR1B = 0x05;
/* Enable the timer overlow interrupt. */
* Name: enterSleep
* Returns: Nothing.
* Parameters: None.
* Description: Main application loop.
void loop()
f_timer = 0;
/* Toggle the LED */
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, !digitalRead(LED_PIN));
/* Re-enter sleep mode. */
All parts of this series:
- Part 1 Overview Of Arduino Sleep Modes
- Part 2 Wake Up Via An External Interrupt
- Part 3 Wake Up Via the UART
- Part 4 Wake Up Via Internal Timer
- Part 5 Wake Up Via The Watchdog Timer
- Darius' excellent blog here.
- http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?module=Freaks%20Devices&func=displayDev&objectid=78
- http://popdevelop.com/2010/04/mastering-timer-interrupts-on-the-arduino/
- http://www.electronicsblog.net/examples-of-using-arduinoatmega-16-bit-hardware-timer-for-digital-clock/
- Arduino Timer Interrupt
Thanks for the tutorial. I am new to interrupts/sleep mode and these are very helpful.
ReplyDeleteOne question tho: how can I verify my device actually goes to sleep? When I constantly print to the Serial port, there is a steady flow of data, even when I think the device should be sleeping. However, the LED does blink every 4 seconds so it seems like the timer is working correctly.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Rusty,
ReplyDeleteThe best way to verify your Arduino is in sleep mode is to monitor the current it draws, as it should draw less current while in these modes.
You probably have two main options to do this: 1. use a bench power supply that shows the current consumption or 2. use a multimeter to measure current (see here: http://www.electronics-radio.com/articles/test-methods/meters/how-to-measure-current.php).
While in a sleep mode your code should not be executing, so if your Arduino is sending out data from the serial port, then it looks like it is not asleep. The LED is blinking, so perhaps you are not calling the enterSleep() function in the appropriate place?
Only other thing I can think of is if you share your code so I can have a look?
Thanks for the response.
ReplyDeleteI just uploaded your sketch to a ATmega328 board, and hooked it up to the multimeter. It's definitely not going to sleep.
Any ideas as to why this could be? It seems like the sleep_mode() command does not work, as it only takes a millisecond or so to execute, rather than the 4 seconds that I was expecting.
Hi Rusty,
ReplyDeleteLooks like I was not explicitly disabling Timer0 and Timer2, which were still powered on in SLEEP_MODE_IDLE and generating interrupts that kept waking the Arduino! I was a little surprised to find this, given that I hadn't configured the interrupts for those timers in my sketch.
I've updated the sketch to disable all unnecessary peripherals including the timers (which should reduce power consumption even further) before entering sleep and re-enabling all peripherals after waking up.
Thank you for the feedback, very much appreciated!
Works better, but I believe that there is still a bug here somewhere. I placed the line Serial.println(millis()) at the very end of the loop() function to check on the device's status.
ReplyDeleteIt prints every few milliseconds for the first 4 seconds or so, which is expected, then seems to sleep as expected. But then after this only prints once for each 4 second block, and I expect it to print constantly when the device is awake. Also, the prints are a few milliseconds apart so I assume the millis() timer is paused during sleep.
Could it be that the Timer1 is not reset after coming out of sleep?
Hi Rusty,
ReplyDeleteI've copied the code as is currently on the page above and added in the call to Serial.println(millis()); at the very end of the loop() function.
The sketch goes straight to sleep after setup is complete, then wakes up every 4 seconds. When it wakes up it will print out the millisecond count only once, toggle the state of the LED and go straight back to sleep (as f_timer is set to 1 by the interrupt).
I'm using the "Arduino 0012 Alpha" IDE and an Arduino Duemilanove (Atmega168).
What are you using?
I think I am misunderstanding how this sketch should work. After the first time the device sleeps, loop() only iterates once per sleep cycle, meaning that f_timer is always 1 (or perhaps very briefly 0).
ReplyDeleteHow would I reset/disable the timer so that loop runs for a given amount of time, and wouldn't immediately go back to sleep mode the next iteration? (awake n seconds > sleep n seconds > repeat)
Hi Rusty,
ReplyDeleteYou could modify the loop() function to something like the following to keep the Arduino awake and doing something for a period of time before going back to sleep:
#define WAKE_DURATION_MS (1000ul)
unsigned long current_wake_duration;
unsigned long wakeup_timestamp;
void loop()
/* Do something while awake */
/* Record how long we have been awake for. */
current_wake_duration = millis() - wakeup_timestamp;
/* Check if the wake duration has elapsed */
if( current_wake_duration >= WAKE_DURATION_MS )
/* Clear the timer-counter register.
* This will make sure we sleep for the corrrect duration.
* as we have not stopped the timer.
/* Re-enter sleep mode. */
/* Take a timestamp from when we have woken up. */
wakeup_timestamp = millis();
If you expected your sketch to be running for longer than 50 days you would need to handle the roll-over of the value returned from the millis() function. See here: http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/Millis
Also note that I have removed the f_timer flag as it isn't really needed.
Another solution to this would be to use another timer, and upon exiting sleep, enable that timer. When the timer expires and the interrupt is executed, a flag could be updated that indicates the desired wake period has expired. Your loop() function could continuously check this flag to see if it needed to go back to sleep.
Hope this helps.
Great!! That's working exactly the way I wanted. After reviewing your code its really quite simple, I'm just new to these uncommon Arduino functions.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for all the help.
Hey Donal,
ReplyDeleteIs there a way I can email you? I am working with an Arduino Nano AtMega328p and an SP02 sensor. I am having the same problems Rusty had above. The LED will flash on and off; however, my data continues to output to the serial monitor. It will never stop.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHi wisesm0, I will have a look this weekend and post a response.
Hi wisesm0, I will have a look this weekend and post a response.
Hi wisesm0,
DeleteProbably best you email me with your code. My email address is: firstname.lastname@gmail.com (obviously replacing the two words with my name...)
Thank you. I've sent you an email. I hope it works out!
DeleteAwesome. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHi Donal,
ReplyDeleteI copied and pasted your code above into my IDE, and it compiled, and loaded into my arduino leonardo fine. It runs, led off and on about 4 seconds, but when I put my amp meter on the power, it is not dropping as I had expected. I expected it to be below 2ma while sleeping, but it is is drawing 31ma to 33ma, not going lower. Am I wrong thinking sleep will dray low amps?
The green power led stays on. Is it not able to turn off?
Thanks, Jack
Hi, very good explanantion!!
ReplyDeleteI wonder if it should be possible in practice to use this sleep code for this project:
- common supermarket batteries
- wake up arduino
- power up a little water pump (let's say) for 5 minutes to bring water from bottle to plant;
- send start,end time and battery charge via zigbee (or other wireless low power) to a raspberry pi (that can for example send an email or SMS to me)
- back to sleep
Could You help me, have any ideas if it can work?
Thank you!
Hi KK,
DeleteSorry for the delay in replying to you.
That sounds like a cool project. It would be reasonably straight forward to do I'd say. You should be able to use an xbee shield along with a simple circuit with a relay switch to power switch the motor on and off.
Using the Arduino and Xbee shield wouldn't be the most power efficient, but it would be a good start. Once you have the system working, you could look into switching from the Arduino board.
Donal, I am not sure u are still responding to this site.
ReplyDeleteI am trying to use your code. I am a novice using a new Arduino
UNO. Using a battery, I want to take 100 ADC sampels (output via USB and then go to sleep. Wake up one minute later and do it over and over.
Problem is when I copy an paste your code, the LED comes "ON" and never blinks.
Does it mater that I am using an UNO? Is there some way I can look at wha tis goin on? Error file? I am not sure what diagnostics can be used. Thank You with your help. Jim P
Hi Jim,
DeleteSorry for the delay in getting back to you.
Hmm, I'll test this code with my UNO tonight and get back to you.
Hi Jim,
DeleteI was missing the pin configuration!
The code is updated now.
ReplyDeleteTahks for the code. A question Timer 0 awoke Arduino? I need a correct time.
Jhon Rossati
Hi Jhon,
DeleteI don't fully understand your question. Are you looking to track real time, perhaps with an external realtime clock?
void pin2_isr()
while(!digitalRead(BUTTON)) {}
solves the problem
ReplyDeleteISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect) seems never to be fired! (I'm using an Arduino UNO). Any clues to why this might be?
Thank you very much